

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Red Card/Green Card: Comprehension Signals

Are there times when you aren't sure if your students are truly understanding the information you've covered?  Even if you've taken pains to make it clear, there are still blank looks on some faces.  Or students seem to be nodding so you'll go on and maybe they can catch up.

Here's a trick you might want to try.....

Take one note card and have students color one side green, leaving the back of the card blank.
Take the second note card and use red, following the same instructions.


Students will use the two cards as signals to you.  When they are understanding what you are saying, they will be holding up the green card.  If there's something that confuses them--even a little bit--they are to hold up the red card. 

Students may be too shy or too embarrassed to interrupt your instruction.  Have slips of paper (recycled backs of old tests, etc.) for students to write down questions.  As you walk around the room, pick up these questions and during your review, try to answer students' questions.

This is a good exercise to check on understanding for all ages.

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